The Bottom Turtle Podcast
Join quantum physicist Dr. Shannon Ray as he reimagines reality using only the concept of information. Each episode is a small part of the larger whole as the hosts build their metaphorical structure for conceptualizing reality. So join us if you're interested in seeing things from a new perspective that you won't find anywhere other than The Bottom Turtle Podcast.
The Bottom Turtle Podcast
A man can't get pregnant
In this episode, Dr. Ray breaks down why the phrase "a man can get pregnant" has no logical meaning. The crux of his argument is that the word man as it is used in that phrase has no informational content. This is because it's entirely based on self-identification which means that any person regardless of their characteristics and behavior can claim to be a man. This means the word must allow for all characteristics and behavior thus validating everything. And as we pointed out in the episode "It's algebra all the way down", a word that maps to everything equally maps to nothing. This episode is an extension/completion of the argument presented in the previous episode when arguing with Ray the computer science professor.
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